
Dr Chidatmika khatua Director
(Children and women safety)
About Dr Chidatmika khatua
Dr Chidatmika khatua is the Managing Director at Orissa Cosmetic Surgery Clinic and founder CEO at Sushruta Hospital and Trauma Care. Managing Trustee Aryabhatta Trust and Adi Tribal Foundation, she is known in India as a social Entreprenure and educationist
Her initiative is incorporated in Indian GK as founder of India’s 1st Tribal Queen, which is also recorded in the Golden Book of World Record. She is General Secretary Women wing at World Odisha Society, Convenor of Education and Skill Indian Chamber of Commerce, and National spokesperson of Satya Sanatan Dharma.
President at Anti corruption Foundation Indian and Crime Intelligence bueraeu Odisha state. Chair policy and Advocacy at CIWN, Women wing convenor at AAICC She is General secretary at All India Private school and children welfare association.
she has received many national and international awards and features in various National Magazine cover page such as women's Era , Business today , BW business world etc .Recently, for Her social contributions, she has been selected to features in Guinness World Record as Top 30 Global women . In Odisha she is dtiving medical tourism under her company meditour