Important Notice : We have received information that many many fake organizations in the same name of NCRIB are active in the country. The member of those fake organizations are being misled by the name of NCRIB. You are requested to avoid such misleading people and organizations and if any person tells himself as an official of NCRIB, then first of all check his verification by going to the officer verification on our website from his UID and registered mobile number. If you become a victim of any type of fraud by an unauthorized person then NCRIB headquarters will not be responsible.
The foundation create awareness among the public on current environmental issues and solutions. Also protecting, the natural resources and entrusting the equitable use of resources. So that, people help villages administrative officials in preparation, application and execution of projects on environmental protection.
We at NCRIB, under Environment project we play a crucial role in helping to plug gaps by conducting research to facilitate policy development, building institutional capacity, and facilitating independent dialogue with civil society to help people live more sustainable lifestyles.