Important Notice : We have received information that many many fake organizations in the same name of NCRIB are active in the country. The member of those fake organizations are being misled by the name of NCRIB. You are requested to avoid such misleading people and organizations and if any person tells himself as an official of NCRIB, then first of all check his verification by going to the officer verification on our website from his UID and registered mobile number. If you become a victim of any type of fraud by an unauthorized person then NCRIB headquarters will not be responsible.
A significant number of people go through life without trying to develop their spirituality, often feeling depressed and sad, not knowing that the pursuit of spiritual development is the key to a healthy, happy and successful life. Spirituality can be defined as the search within your inner self, keeping away from modern distractions that are always present in the world. This concept focuses on improving yourself mentally and spiritually. Here, success is not measured by what you drive or the size of your house. Rather, it is about allowing yourself to improve and project happiness into your environment. There are many different ways to understand spiritual development, the common understanding is the journey in which you participate and direct your own identity, maturity, the improvement of your spiritual self, in turn, the development of our inner life to find peace. That is why spiritual development is so important. If you develop your spirituality you will come to understand how great and enlightening you can really be.
It is clear that spiritual development helps you to act naturally with honesty, integrity, truthfulness, and to live in a way you never imagined before. Spiritual development is so important for your own mental and, of course, physical well-being. At NCRIB we work and promote our surrounding to connect with this activities so that user can get relief more than the medicine. We have a trained trainer and providing daily exercise to every class of citizen without any cost. Spiritual Development is one of the important project of the foundation.
NCRIB activities include, but are not limited to, environmental, social, advocacy and human rights work, but, also promote social or political change on a broad scale or very locally. Our foundation play a critical part in developing society, improving communities, and promoting citizen participation in India.