Important Notice : We have received information that many many fake organizations in the same name of NCRIB are active in the country. The member of those fake organizations are being misled by the name of NCRIB. You are requested to avoid such misleading people and organizations and if any person tells himself as an official of NCRIB, then first of all check his verification by going to the officer verification on our website from his UID and registered mobile number. If you become a victim of any type of fraud by an unauthorized person then NCRIB headquarters will not be responsible.
Our campaign aim is to achieve the vision of a “Clean India” with “Green India”. The Swachh Bharat mission is the most significant cleanliness project of the foundation. Personally Mr. Krishna Kumar Mishra led a cleanliness programme across the country, and under this project almost 1500 volunteers has been joined. We request to our members and volunteers to take the broom to sweep the streets, cleaning up the garbage, and focusing on sanitation and maintaining a hygienic environment for our generation and society. Contribute 1 hours daily in your society and make it success without any question. We are living on earth and we have sole responsibility to give a happier environment to our successor. People have started to take part and are helping spread the message of “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”. Our slogan “One Earth and Health Earth” must be reach to everyone across the worldwide.
Under this project our aimed is protecting, restoring and enhancing India’s diminishing forest cover and responding to climate change by a combination of adaptation and mitigation measures. Our volunteer is connected with remotest area to urban area, and their contribution towards this project is highly appreciated and thankful for the society.