Important Notice : We have received information that many many fake organizations in the same name of NCRIB are active in the country. The member of those fake organizations are being misled by the name of NCRIB. You are requested to avoid such misleading people and organizations and if any person tells himself as an official of NCRIB, then first of all check his verification by going to the officer verification on our website from his UID and registered mobile number. If you become a victim of any type of fraud by an unauthorized person then NCRIB headquarters will not be responsible.
Our A healthcare programme is designed to encourage a healthy lifestyle and promote fitness at workplace. This includes insurance plans and several other health benefits offered by NCRIB. We organize health check-up camp and seminar for the senior citizen and old age people at their colonies and villages. The foundation has paneled doctors in each Districts of the country.
The foundation has plan to operate Ambulance in every district in India connectivity with urban to remotest area and villages, so that in an emergency, a patient can reach hospital in time, and emergency treatment can be start prior to criticalness. Our ambulance service is free of cost for the bonafied patient, and aid box is totally free of cost provided by us in emergency.
Our Doctors shall be bound for the free check-up and prescription in our medical health check-up camp. We will organized health check-up programme monthly basis in every District of the country. Our health care programme is Effective Health Care Program improves the quality of health care by providing the best available evidence on the outcomes, benefits and harms, and appropriateness of drugs, devices, and health care services and by helping health care professionals, patients, policymakers, and health care systems makers.
At NCRIB our Community health services play a key role in our health and care system. They keep people well at home and in community settings close to home, and support people to live independently.